Aug 23, 2016

Refilling My Soul

Oh dear friends, it has been a long time.  Something in my hectic life had to give and this little here blog was the thing that did the giving.  I'm glad it's patient with me because I do love this space and the outlet it gives me to "talk" with many of you.

If you've never had a baby, or if it's been awhile, let me just tell you that something changes in your brain when that little life is placed in your arms and it takes you at least a year to start to truly be you again.  I'm still 4 months away from "normal" but I'm starting to see the surface as if rising from the bottom of a deep lake.  Things are still a bit distorted but I can make out colors and shapes.

We traveled west this summer for a month.  I often flee the oppressive heat of the Midwest mostly for my sanity and this year it proved to be good on so many levels, but mostly good for my soul.  I came back rejuvenated and feeling very very loved.  A well that had been running close to dry was refilled and I am so thankful for it.

I realized on this summer excursion, how very much I have been blessed by amazing people, and more importantly amazing women, in my life.  The number of women I can look back over my life and say they have positively impacted me is countless.  To associate with women who I can pick up with even though I haven't seen them for years and feel safe and loved by them is a true miracle.  

This adventure has made me rethink the purpose and direction of this blog.  I have tons of ideas swirling in my brain and places I want to go with these ideas.  I'm still trying to find that sweet spot to jump from.  It will come.

So for now, enjoy the pictures of those I will call my "soul fillers".  Each one is dear to me and each will hopefully contribute to this blog at some point.  The amazing thing is that they are just the tip of the iceberg.  There were so many I didn't see that I wish I could have.  Time is always too short.  

Hugs to all!

Here are my amazing parents who give selflessly and never seem to age.  On the right are my friends Kim and Jeremy.  They both lived in New Jersey during my growing up years and I am grateful for the rekindled friendship.  Kim is a saint and Jeremy is a clown.  They compliment each other well.  When are we going on a couples vacation?

Sweet, sweet Yvonne and two of her three adorable children (where was Isaac?).  She recently lost her mom and I have ached for her as she's expressed how much she misses her.  I don't think anyone will ever be old enough to lose their mom.  Her ability to keep smiling through the pain is an example I am grateful for.  I know it isn't easy.

Beautiful Brittany!  I admire this woman so much and gain strength from her testimony.  She is a valiant daughter of God and an amazing mother.  I will always want to "grow up" to be like her.

The ageless Shaner Family.  Russ was such a strength to me when I was a new missionary in a 
foreign country.  His letters are priceless to me.  I will never forget seeing Emilie and her brother Dallin get up in sacrament meeting soon after they moved to our ward in New Jersey as they sung a
 children's hymn in Norwegian.  It is forever in my memories.  And gorgeous Dory, who gave me courage to fight my own battles with depression and anxiety as she so freely spoke of hers in a time 
when it wasn't so popular to do so.  She was the last person I would have thought struggled 
in that way because I have never seen a more smiley person in my life. 

More of the Shaners and the rest of the crew

The larger than life Allen family.  The last time I saw Jeni and Tyler they had two kids and we had none!  My how things can change in 10 years!  We picked up where we had left off and I left their home with a happy happy heart!!  I think anyone who know them would say that is their trademark - happiness.  It truly is contagious!

My "sisters" Megan and Marisa.  These were some of my all time besties in college and I am so glad they remain friends to this day!  They are valiant and beautiful in so many ways.  Their friendship shaped me into who I am today and I consider them some of my greatest blessings!

My Em.  How I love this girl!  Don't let her height throw you off.  She is full of spunk and is an amazing example to me of always moving forward.  She shared some of the best years of college with me and I cried when I knew being roomies with her had ended.  

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