Dec 13, 2015


The time is here.  It is so very close.  I have a love hate relationship with this time.  I want it to end, but then I never want it to begin.  It makes me gitty and excited and terrified and overwhelmed all at the same time.

Someday early this week, we will be ushering in kidlet #5.  Unless there is divine manifestations of something to the contrary, this will be it for us, so that fact alone makes this time very bitter sweet.  I truly have tried to savor these last few days of carrying a child.  To feel it safe and snug inside me where my only real concern is to feel it move every so often.

There is something to be said when you have your first child.  You have no idea what you are getting into and what stakes are truly at hand.  By child #5 the stakes seem higher and the task ahead daunting. Naivety is not such a bad thing in phases of life.  Now I need to have faith more than ever.  Faith in whatever comes our way.

I've been soaking up every kiss and hug I get from kidlet #4.  I will miss her being the youngest.  She is my buddy and this will change her, me, and our relationship.  It makes me so very sad.  But we will get through it.  She will always be my Lindsay Lou.  My Puckadoo!!

We are old school.  We never find out the gender ahead of time.  This frustrates some of our friends to no end (sorry M.E.), which truthfully makes the surprise all the better.  "Is it a boy?"  "Is it a girl?'  That is always our first questions.  Then comes, "What color hair does it have?"  I predict boy, but then I'm always wrong.  I also predict red hair, but that's only because the odds are in my favor.  If a red head, kidlet #3 will be the quintessential middle child.  The only blond among a sea of red.  He fits it well.  I won't mind if he's different.

Do I go the natural route or opt for the relief of modern medicine?  I've gone it alone the 2 previous times, but this time I'm tired.  I want to enjoy it.  I want to take it all in.  All but the pain of course.  There is no plaque on a wall with my name on it for having suffered to bring them into this world.  No one cares!

Do I breast or bottle feed?  Given my track record, if I were a cow, I'd be culled from the herd.  I can't sustain life with the equipment God gave me.  I will try.  I will give what I can, but then I will absolve myself of all guilt and thank the God who didn't give me the equipment for the blessing of modern gods who have done their best to make something that will sustain my baby.  It's worked for the previous 4, I see no reason why now will be any different.

I will try my hardest to be kind to my post-partum body, and I hope everyone else will too.  It's far from perfect, but it's sustained this life within for 9 months.  I have the rest of my life to work on it.  Why do we judge ourselves and allow others to judge us after doing something so amazing?  The point is I did it!  There should be a plaque on a wall for that!

So here we go.  Ready or not!  I have my apprehensions but I have even more hope.  Hope in a new life.  In blessings greater then I ever could have imagined.  In a complete family unit.  In a path of new adventures.  

We love you so, soon to be kidlet #5.  The caboose on this crazy train you will call family.  Come quick and safe and wrapped in the scent of heaven.  Come my most prized Christmas gift!!


I always think it's fun to see what people predict we will have.  Please include in the comments below or the link on Facebook the following in your predictions:

Gender, hair color, weight, and length.  There may even be a small prize awarded to the winner - after I recover of course!

Dec 7, 2015

Chewy Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies

When I was growing up my mom would bake cookies for weeks and freeze them leading up to Christmas.  Then a week or so before, we would make up plates of the various cookies and deliver them to our neighbors.  I have always wanted to do this but the season gets busy and away from me and I find I have never done it.  This year I'm determined to make a few deliveries.  If I can get my family to stop eating the cookies I'm making, it will most likely happen!!

Today I thought I'd share with you one of my all time favorite Christmas cookies I've ever made.  I love gingerbread and I love chocolate, so the two together in this cookie are amazing to me.  They are also a soft cookie and I really do enjoy myself a soft cookie - especially with chocolate chips.

A few tips in making these a success.  First, DON'T forget the baking soda.  I did that one time and the soft chewy cookie turns into a hard rock.  Very disappointing.  Second, bake them until they start to crack along the tops.  That's when you know they are done.  Third, don't skimp on the fresh ginger.  It's vital to this cookies success.

Chewy Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies


  • 7 ounces best-quality semisweet chocolate 
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda 
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter 
  • 1/2 cup packed dark-brown sugar 
  • 1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger 
  • 1 1/2 cups plus 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour 
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder 
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons ground ginger 
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 
  • 1/2 cup unsulfured molasses 
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar

  1. Chop chocolate into 1/4-inch chunks; set aside. In a small bowl, dissolve baking soda in 1 1/2 teaspoons boiling water; set aside. 
  2. In the bowl of an electric mixer, fitted with the paddle attachment, beat butter with brown sugar until combined. Add fresh ginger and mix until combined. In a medium bowl, sift together flour, cocoa, ground ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. Slowly add to butter mixture, mixing until well combined. 
  3. Add baking soda mixture and molasses; mix to combine. Stir in chocolate; Transfer to refrigerator. Refrigerate until firm, at least 2 hours. 
  4. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. 
  5. Using a 2-inch ice cream scoop, scoop dough onto baking sheet, 2 1/2 inches apart. Refrigerate 20 minutes. Roll dough balls in granulated sugar and return to baking sheets. Transfer to oven and bake until surfaces crack slightly, about 18 minutes. Let cool 5 minutes; transfer to a wirerack to cool completely.

    This recipe is originally from Martha Stewart and can be found HERE.

Nov 30, 2015

I DID IT!!!! (November Challenge Day #30)

Well friends, I certainly had my doubts when I challenged myself to write E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y. this month.  I'm happy to report that while it was difficult, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.  In some ways, writing everyday almost made it easier.  It's somewhat like cleaning, once you get started it's easier to keep going.  It's the getting started part that makes it hard.

I did a quick look back over the month at my post stats.  It's cool that you can see how many people have viewed your posts and then get some idea of what people like to hear about and what is popular to your audience.  My most viewed post, BY FAR, was my view of the LDS church's policy change regarding same-sex marriage and children.  Then was my post "Pinterest Favorites: Dinners" followed by a master bathroom update post.  Basically, religion, food, and remodeling - all things I love. 

So what now?  I plan on posting more regularly - at least 3-5 times a week.  In cutting down on the amount of posts I hope I can up the quality a little more.  Life can get busy fast and if nothing else, this little experiment has taught me the need to plan ahead.  

If you've made it this far with me, could you do me a favor?  Could you write in the comments below or on my Facebook page what you liked and what you'd like me to do more/less of?  It really is helpful to know what your readership is interested in.  Do you like the home decor posts, the Pinterest posts, the religious posts?  Anything you really wish I would write about?  Should I just stop writing all together?  I kid!

I will close by saying thank you for coming along.  I really do like writing so thank you for putting up with me and being supportive.  I'll be with you again shortly.

Nov 29, 2015

Unto You, Unto Me, Unto All of Us - A Savior Is Born (November Challenge Day #29)

Today my church released a video for Christmas about our Savior Jesus Christ.  It is quite moving.  I hope you will take the time to watch it.  He truly is the meaning for this whole season and every other season in our lives.  We would have no purpose and no hope if He did not exist.  He helps us to be better.  He helps us overcome all the effects of being mortal.  No shortcoming is too great or to far from His grasp.  I hope each of us will have a chance this season to reflect on and feel His love in our lives.  

Rejoice Greatly!!  Happy Sabbath!

Nov 28, 2015

Pinterest Favorites: Christmas (November Challenge Day #28)

With Thanksgiving over, it's now time to move onto the festive season of Christmas.  I love the lights, the music, the food, and the feeling of this season.  I am just amazed at how creative people can be and how they can decorate for this amazing time of year.  Today I'm sharing some of my Christmas favorites from Pinterest.  I hope you enjoy them as well.

I think this is such a cute idea for place settings.  Especially at a kids table.

I think this is such a beautiful way to spread Christmas curb appeal.  How could you not make the mailman smile if you decorated like this?  

I am loving some alternative ideas to tree skirts that I have seen going around.  Isn't this basket idea great!  I saw a tractor front used at a store a few weeks ago.  Just so cute and creative.

I will be doing a post in the coming weeks on my obsession with trees for this holiday season.  I love this "tree" made out of galvanized tubs.  I actually bought my very own metal tree that is just as big as this one.  I have no idea where I'm going to put it yet but I love this display and may just have to copy them.  

Since we have December birthdays in this house (and soon to be another), I thought this was such a cute idea for a cake.  Kidlet #3's bday is coming up this week so I just may give it a try.  How could you not be happy on your birthday with this cake?

I love, love, love this tree.  I actually made one a few years ago and it is so pretty.  They make a great gift as well.  I made much smaller versions for several of my friends one year.  The great thing is you can do any color scheme you want.  If you need a gift idea, these are great!

I hope you all will have a great Christmas season and if you aren't in the spirit yet, I hope these pins have helped.  

Happiest of Saturdays!!

Nov 27, 2015

Master Bathroom Update (November Challenge Day #27)

Happy Black Friday my friends!!  I admire all you die-hard shoppers.  I have gone a few times in the past and it was fun, but there was no way I was going to attempt it this year.  I like shopping from the comfort of my home and having it delivered to my doorstep.  I am also almost done with Christmas shopping since we have a big event happening before that which will make me be a major homebody.  I don't mind it one bit!

Today I thought I'd update you on the master bathroom progress.  Not a whole lot has changed in there.  The plumbing and electrical are done and now we are just waiting for the inspection before we proceed to everything else.  Because of the type of insulation used in the attic above this area, it does look like a snowman blew up in there.  Super exciting though!!

I have gathered a lot of the materials myself and they are all sitting in my garage waiting to be used.  That big pile of white planking?  For the ceiling!  Yay!!  Can't wait to see it go up.  The one major things that is missing is the vanity and I still need to order that.  Perhaps today!

I finally got all the tile that we will be using and wanted to share that with you as well.  I am going a bit more towards the grey side in this bathroom but it will still have some brown earth tones as well.  If it all comes together as I have imagined in my head, it will look stunning!

Here is the tile we will be using on the floor.  I found it at Lowe's and have liked it for months.  It's on the cheaper side which is nice.

After going back and forth on what to do for the shower floor, I am going to tile it instead of doing a fiber glass pan.  
I found this stone tile at Home Depot that I really love.  

I stressed about what to do for the shower walls and found this tile at the Tile Shop.  It wasn't cheap folks, but it was what I wanted so sometimes you do splurge.  

Lastly, I am doing an accent tile in the shower and I found this at Home Depot as well.  I have literally carried a piece of this along with me for almost a year and I still love it.  I think that makes it a winner!

I plan on painting the walls a blue and the vanity will be a dark smokey brownish grey.  It will be gorgeous.  Here is the tile all together with the blue I am thinking of doing.

Things are coming!  They never seem to happen at the pace you want them to, but that's OK.  It really matters that you get what you want in the end and are happy.  

I hope you all have a fabulous Friday and eat lots of leftovers!!!

Nov 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving (November Challenge Day #26)

It's the close of the day and I am just now sitting down to write all the things I'm grateful for.  I won't ever be able to do it justice here and I will no doubt leave something out, but in a vain attempt, if for no other reason then for remembrance of this time in my life, I give you 26 things I'm thankful for this November 26th, 2015.

1. My family = hubby, kidlets, baby to be, mother, father, brother, in-laws, cousins, all of them.  They truly are the meaning and reason for all the other things in my life.

2.  My friends.  I use to pride myself on being a good friend.  I feel like I have been much lacking in this area lately.  A good thing to remember when New Year's resolutions come around.  I need good friends, but I need to be a good friend even more.

3.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I love it.  It brings immeasurable peace and purpose to my life.  I will defend it always and forever.

4.  My home.  It keeps us warm and cool.  It provides the stage for our lives and holds all that is dear to me.  It brings me happiness to create a space of peace and beauty.  

5.  My hubbies employment.  The world is a turbulent place and I have at times taken the blessing of his job for granted.  This year, more than ever, I'm thankful for this blessing.  

6.  Missouri.  I haven't always been thankful for this place we have called home for 8+ years.  But it's grown on me and I have finally felt like this is where we are suppose to be.  I'm content here and contentment is a good thing.

7.  Griffen our dog.  After saying good-bye to our cat this summer I have come to realize what a dear this little guy is.  He is getting up there in age and I know we will have to say good-bye to him all too soon.  I try to remember that everyday and treat him with more kindness.

8.  My health.  My body isn't perfect and is starting to show signs of my age, but it's strong and has done all that I have asked of it (for the most part).  

9.  Being pregnant.  This is most likely my last time.  There is relief in typing that statement and sadness as well.  It's the passing of an era in my life that I looked forward to all growing up with great anticipation and I will be sad to see it go, but I know great things lie beyond it as well.

10.  Water.  I'm just really grateful for water.  I've been drinking it like crazy lately.

11.  Foot massages.  I'm pregnant, enough said.

12.  Good home decor stores.  I just love them.  They make me happy.  Worldly?  Yes.  But it I do love them.

13.  Prescription glasses.  I've had glasses for a long time but have actually always been able to see without them.  These days it's getting harder.  I don't mind wearing glasses because they truly make my life easier.

14.  Having taken a typing class in high school.  Hands down the best class I ever took and it has served me well all these years.  I equate not being able to type almost on the same level of not being able to read.  It is an essential skill.

15.  The ability to change and grow.  I can't imagine having to stay the same person I am today for the rest of my life.  Where would the hope be?  I can change.  I can be better.  Huge blessings.

16. Photography.  What a great gift in documenting our lives.  I know I will love this blessing even more as the years go on and my kids get bigger and bigger.  I want to always remember them little.

17.  Movies.  I just love a good movie.

18.  Food, food, and more food.  With a full belly, I am so thankful I have more food surrounding me then I could ever possibly eat.  I know many in this world do not have this same luxury.  

19.  Power tools.  I don't even want to know where I would be without power tools.  The 1700's perhaps?

20.  The Holy Ghost.  I love this personage of Spirit.  He comforts me and tells me things are going to be OK.  I need Him daily in my life.

21.  My talents.  They help me get to where I need and want to be.

22.  Flowers.  How can you not help but be happy when you look at a pretty flower looking back at you?  I truly believe God created happiness and flowers and the same time.

23.  Dishwashers and Washing Machines.  Self explanatory.

24.  Light.  I have a passion for good lighting.  Light can change your environment and mood.  Good lighting in one's home is essential (I'll write about that on the blog one day).

25.  Amazon Prime.  My life would not be the same without it.

26.  The "Slurry".  It has cured many a pregnancy caused heartburn.  In fact, I'm going to go drink one right now.  Amazing what a little bit of water and baking soda can do for you and how incredibly grateful you can be for something so simple.

I hope each of you can have just as
long, if not longer, list of things to be grateful for in your lives.  I'm grateful for each of you and your dedication to this silly little adventure of a blog I have.  I hope you all had a wonderful day!!

Nov 25, 2015

The Best Day = Project Start of Mudroom = Baking Christmas Cookies = Sending Dear Friends Off With Love! (November Challenge Day #25)

Hold onto your hats my friends!  One month from today is Christmas!!  I can't even believe it.  So much I still want to accomplish between now and then.  Today got me closer to my goals.

Today was just a great day.  The hubs had work off which I always love, the kids went and played at a friends which meant they were happy and entertained, and I baked cookies and bread while still getting a few fun errands in sans kids - which is always nice.

One thing that got me super excited about Greg having off was that he made a significant dent in a project we've wanted to tackle for a long time - the mudroom.  Our mudroom is not huge, but it's been a dumping ground for sure.  A few months ago I found the perfect tutorial for what I wanted to do.  Of course I will be making a few of my own tweaks, but it was a great starting place.  This space will serve as the primary spot for book bags, coats, and general outdoor gear.  

Here is what the mudroom looked like to start with:

This area really gets a lot of traffic.  From where the photo is taken in the second picture above is where we enter from the garage so we come in and out a lot.  In the top picture you can see the pocket door that leads to the half bath, which is also used frequently.  Every since we moved in, this space has been used for recycling, dog food storage, and kids book bags and coats.  All basically dumped on the floor. Hopefully this redo will change all that.

Here's my cute hubs measuring the basic frame for the bench seat we are putting in.

To make sure it was nice a sturdy, he added in some cross braces.

As you can see in the above photo, he also added in slats on the wall to help get it level and let it sit on something.  Of course we screwed it into the studs as well.  

I knew I wanted a stained wood top and after realizing the dimensions I headed to IKEA and bought one of there premade butcher block countertops and the hubs cut it down to size.  So much easier then trying to make a similar bench top ourselves.  I love it.

We will be adding support pieces in the front to make it nice and sturdy for sitting and will be trimming it out.  As far as the area above the seat, I'm still deciding.  I may shiplap the whole area and it will for sure be painted white with lots of hooks for hanging stuff.  I am just so excited it's started.  Another project on its way to being checked off the list.

Here is what my kitchen looked like while Greg worked on this area.  Lots of baking.  I still have two cherry pies to make.  They are my favorite kind of pie!!

The only thing that made the day a bummer was saying goodbye to our good friends who are headed to  South Carolina.  Their oldest two were in the same class as my kidlets #2 & #3.  They are an amazing family and we will miss having them so close and in the same school but know they are going to love South Carolina and being back near family!!  We will definitely be making a visit since we have two sets of friends there now.

Look at these cuties!!  I know they would have been friends.  Little Missy E. stole my heart when they moved here.  I will miss her praise of any project I'm working on.

Mr. C and kidlet #3 were in the same kindergarten class.  Sad to have a friend leave.

Since these two are betrothed, we are ensuring an eternity of friendship.  

Well friends, I hope you all had a wonderful day as well and that you will be sharing a fun filled day tomorrow with family and friends and recounting all of your many blessings.  We certainly have many this year.  Our Heavenly Father has blessed us beyond what we deserve and I hope I can live worthy of these blessings every day.

Happy Wednesday!!

Nov 24, 2015

Be Brave 4 Baylee (November Challenge Day #24)

There are times I come across a story on social media that really touches me.  I am constantly amazed by the strength of others and what some are required to endure.  I am a devout follower of Stephanie Nielsen who in 2008 was severely burned on 80% of her body.  Her recovery and life since is nothing short of a miracle.

A few months ago she shared the tragedy of another burn victim, that of Baylee Hoaldridge who on July 4th, 2015 was burned on 65% of her body.  Over the last few months myself and thousands of others who didn't know her personally, have followed her updates and prayed for her recovery.  But God had other plans for Baylee.  Sadly, a little over a week ago she passed away from complications due to her accident.  Today was her funeral and burial.  

It is hard for me as a mother to not look at situations like these and not transpose them onto my own children and life.  I can just as easily see myself having to go through a similar trial.  It makes the reality that Baylee's parents and family face that much more real.  My heart truly aches for them.

After Baylee passed, her family asked that instead of praying for Baylee to be brave, we all strive to be brave in her memory, to be able to do hard things in the face of adversity.  What a great thing to ask of others.  There are days it is hard to be brave.  Life can be overwhelming and demanding, but we need to move on.  There are no guarantees and we should live our lives to the fullest no matter what our situation may be.  Sometimes that means we just get out of bed, or we phone that friend we've been meaning to, or we go on that trip of a life time.  Whatever the circumstance, we show bravery by continuing to live.  

I know Baylee tried to live every day she was here, but the effects of a mortal body eventually took over.  Now the true bravery goes to her parents and brothers.  I'm sure there have been and will be many days they will think they can't or don't want to keep living, but from what I've read, I know they will.  To me they are the true heroes.  The bravest of the brave.  I hope I can be brave like them and I hope you can too.


I hope you have all lived a great Tuesday!!  

*To read more about Baylee, go HERE.

Nov 23, 2015

Kitchen Backsplash (Novermber Challenge #23)

It's going to be a great week!  Hubby has off 3 days and we are going to put away fall decor and put up the Christmas decorations.  I also hope to get started on our mudroom and to tackle the basement.  I always have grand plans.  I'll be happy if half of them happen.  It's also Thanksgiving and I just love this holiday.  I was just thinking that a year ago we were in Hawaii!!  Crazy!  Good memories!

Well today I thought I'd get back to some home projects that I haven't updated you all on yet.  I am showing off our finished backlash.  I am very happy with how it turned out.

It took me quite a while to determine what I wanted.  I looked at tile for a long time but just couldn't find that one that spoke to me.  I finally decided to go with a tongue and grove paneling that we then trimmed out.  I am very happy with my choice.  It was relatively inexpensive compared to tile and allowed me to paint it a white that matched the cabinets.  I found it at Lowe's in their trim section on an end cap.  It's a great option for painting or staining.  Like I said, I chose to paint it.  Here is a picture of the packaging.

It went up pretty quickly which was a must for me.  There is nothing worse then a mess in your kitchen and after living in a house under renovation for several months, the quicker the better.  Here is what it looked like once it was all up before the hubs painted it.

If you remember, there was a cabinet to the left of the sink that I planned on putting back up once the paneling was painted.  Here it is before the paneling was installed.

I liked it, but once it was down the kitchen felt SO much bigger with it gone that I decided to keep it down and install floating shelves instead.  I am so glad I did!  I love the way it looks.  It opens up the kitchen and really does make my dishes much easier to access.  I know some people don't like floating shelves but I think they are such a great way to showcase your pretty dishes and make access fast.  Here is the kitchen as of today.  I hope you like it as much as I do!  I'm hoping to enjoy it for years to come!

Have a fabulous Monday!

Nov 22, 2015

A Key to Peace (November Challenge Day #22)

I remember exactly where I was the day 9/11 happened.  I was visiting my former roommates in Utah.  Since I had already graduated I didn't have anything to do that day and ended up sitting in front of the TV all day listening to the news and watching the horrific images over and over and over again.  The whole thing seemed so surreal and so impossible that I was somewhat emotionless watching it all.  I was actually surprised by the lack of feeling I had.  Fortunately/unfortunately, that didn't last much past a day.  After my brain took it all in and started to process everything, an overwhelming feeling of fear and dread started to fill me.  How could something so horrible have happened?  The sadness of the families who had lost loved ones and the fear and terror those poor victims must have felt consumed me.  It was a dark time for many and I was not immune.

In the years since, it has been hard for me to find much peace when it comes to the state of the world.  The news is filled with constant negative and horrible happenings in peoples lives.  There is never a shortage of tragedies.  With the advancement of technology and our access to the events of the world literally in our pockets, there have been times where I have sat for hours consumed by what is going on.  It has sucked hope from me and left me devastated for those affected.  

Just over a month or so ago I was checking the news and was again awash with despair at what I was reading.  There was not one positive thing in the headlines.  Terrorists, domestic political tensions, families falling apart, the world economy in free fall; it went on and on.  There was not one thing that spoke of hope.  Right then and there I told myself I was done.  I was done with the news.  It was one of the better decisions I've made for myself in a long time.  

Here's the amazing things that has happened.  By refusing to look at the news anymore on my phone I still know what's going on, but I am not inundated with it to a level that brings me down.  I catch snippets of it on the radio, in conversations with friends, and through social media.  Last Friday when I sat down to look at Facebook I knew something terrible had happened in Paris from all the profile pictures being overlaid with the french flag and the pictures of people in Paris popping up as their cover photos.  I looked briefly at a news agency website to determine what had happened, and then I turned it off.

Now, I most certainly don't think it's wise to be ignorant and indifferent to the happenings in our world. Suffering, hate, and evil need to be fought by those who know what they are up against, but as I have thought about it, by not letting such things consume me, I am fighting those very things in a very real way.   I am creating peace within myself and then am more able to more fully and completely project it onto the world around me.  Evil, which breeds fear and hate, cannot continue if it does not reside within us.    I have truly begun to see the truth in the saying, "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me."  It does begin with each of us and could there truly be a greater gift?  I hope all of you can find more peace this holiday season and as you do, that you can pass it on to those around you.  It truly would make the world a better place.

Happy Sabbath!

It was a windy day that day!!  Thus the fly aways!