Sep 19, 2016

The Road to Celestial Glory

A few years ago I was asked to give a talk at a baptism for a new converting member to our church.  My talk was on baptism which the scriptures state as the first necessary step we all must take in order to return to live with our Heavenly Father again.  In my preparations I quickly came to realize that my talk needed to center on the duties, requirements, and goals for this individual after they had passed through the gate of baptism.

Unfortunately, many in today's world feel that if they are baptized they are automatically saved, nothing more is required after a priest sprinkles or perhaps submerses them in holy water.  I have always found this puzzling.  Where does this similar line of thinking hold true and fruitful in any other area of our lives?  Virtually no where.

While baptism by immersion by one having the proper authority (God's Priesthood) is an essential ordinance in the LDS faith, it is no where close to the end all be all for our path to salvation.  Much more is required of us.

This is where things can get a bit "sticky'.  One can truly drive themselves crazy trying to figure out how much they must do and how good they must be to return to the highest Celestial glory to live with our Father once again.  The constant questions of if we have served our families, our neighbors, all of humankind in the way the Savior would want us to can keep you up at night if you let it.  So how do we gage our Celestial worthiness against what seem like unattainable expectations?

The short answer to this deep question is that we will never measure up.  We will never be or do enough.  We will ALWAYS fall short.  Now this is where perhaps another writer would then wax eloquent as to the grace of our Savior who will make up all the difference.  I am not here to dispute that fact at all.  He most definitely will make up all the difference - for everyone who ever has and ever will live on this planet.  None of us are exempt from needing His help.  In many ways that is a very comforting statement.  It frees us of ever trying to reach perfection in this life because it is simply impossible.  

Where it does leave us is on the path we place our feet on when we are baptized.  I like to look at baptism much like a gate on the yellow brick road to Oz.  We, like Dorothy, must walk that road if we want to get home.  Passing through it's entrance gate only gets us so far.  The real test comes in staying on the road and always moving forward, even when that forward progression seems to occur at a snails pace.  Far too many of us feel that we want to take a breather in the lush green fields we see on the side of our path.  We want to have a picnic and laze about the wildflowers and just relax.  We can see others on the path who look like they are right with us or just a little ways up.  We feel we can just simply jump back on whenever we like.  The thing we forget to realize is that there will be a point where being on the road is all that will matter because like the great Master He is, Christ will one day pick up the end of that road and pull it and all who are on it to Him.  How sad if we miss that journey simply because we found a pretty poppy that we wanted to smell just off the path.  What a temporary pleasure we will have traded at the expense of an eternal garden full of every kind of delightful flower to smell for all of eternity.

Get on and stay on the path my friends!  Simply, just keep trying to do what is right with a humble heart.

God needs you there!  

God wants you there!  

You are worth it!

Aug 23, 2016

Refilling My Soul

Oh dear friends, it has been a long time.  Something in my hectic life had to give and this little here blog was the thing that did the giving.  I'm glad it's patient with me because I do love this space and the outlet it gives me to "talk" with many of you.

If you've never had a baby, or if it's been awhile, let me just tell you that something changes in your brain when that little life is placed in your arms and it takes you at least a year to start to truly be you again.  I'm still 4 months away from "normal" but I'm starting to see the surface as if rising from the bottom of a deep lake.  Things are still a bit distorted but I can make out colors and shapes.

We traveled west this summer for a month.  I often flee the oppressive heat of the Midwest mostly for my sanity and this year it proved to be good on so many levels, but mostly good for my soul.  I came back rejuvenated and feeling very very loved.  A well that had been running close to dry was refilled and I am so thankful for it.

I realized on this summer excursion, how very much I have been blessed by amazing people, and more importantly amazing women, in my life.  The number of women I can look back over my life and say they have positively impacted me is countless.  To associate with women who I can pick up with even though I haven't seen them for years and feel safe and loved by them is a true miracle.  

This adventure has made me rethink the purpose and direction of this blog.  I have tons of ideas swirling in my brain and places I want to go with these ideas.  I'm still trying to find that sweet spot to jump from.  It will come.

So for now, enjoy the pictures of those I will call my "soul fillers".  Each one is dear to me and each will hopefully contribute to this blog at some point.  The amazing thing is that they are just the tip of the iceberg.  There were so many I didn't see that I wish I could have.  Time is always too short.  

Hugs to all!

Here are my amazing parents who give selflessly and never seem to age.  On the right are my friends Kim and Jeremy.  They both lived in New Jersey during my growing up years and I am grateful for the rekindled friendship.  Kim is a saint and Jeremy is a clown.  They compliment each other well.  When are we going on a couples vacation?

Sweet, sweet Yvonne and two of her three adorable children (where was Isaac?).  She recently lost her mom and I have ached for her as she's expressed how much she misses her.  I don't think anyone will ever be old enough to lose their mom.  Her ability to keep smiling through the pain is an example I am grateful for.  I know it isn't easy.

Beautiful Brittany!  I admire this woman so much and gain strength from her testimony.  She is a valiant daughter of God and an amazing mother.  I will always want to "grow up" to be like her.

The ageless Shaner Family.  Russ was such a strength to me when I was a new missionary in a 
foreign country.  His letters are priceless to me.  I will never forget seeing Emilie and her brother Dallin get up in sacrament meeting soon after they moved to our ward in New Jersey as they sung a
 children's hymn in Norwegian.  It is forever in my memories.  And gorgeous Dory, who gave me courage to fight my own battles with depression and anxiety as she so freely spoke of hers in a time 
when it wasn't so popular to do so.  She was the last person I would have thought struggled 
in that way because I have never seen a more smiley person in my life. 

More of the Shaners and the rest of the crew

The larger than life Allen family.  The last time I saw Jeni and Tyler they had two kids and we had none!  My how things can change in 10 years!  We picked up where we had left off and I left their home with a happy happy heart!!  I think anyone who know them would say that is their trademark - happiness.  It truly is contagious!

My "sisters" Megan and Marisa.  These were some of my all time besties in college and I am so glad they remain friends to this day!  They are valiant and beautiful in so many ways.  Their friendship shaped me into who I am today and I consider them some of my greatest blessings!

My Em.  How I love this girl!  Don't let her height throw you off.  She is full of spunk and is an amazing example to me of always moving forward.  She shared some of the best years of college with me and I cried when I knew being roomies with her had ended.  

Feb 16, 2016

Fancying Up the Kitchen

It was a 4 day weekend around our house and I'm happy to report it went much better then I had anticipated.  My kids got along (for the most part), were super helpful and worked hard at their chores, and were just fun to be with.  We were busy yesterday so I didn't get a chance to post, so you get one today.  I hope you enjoy it and it helps you be inspired to "fanc-i-fi" your kitchen or some other areas in your home.

If your house if anything like mine, the kitchen is it's workhorse.  I spend most of my time in this room and it is the room most used by every member of our family.  Therefore, it can get cluttered and dirty in the blink of an eye.  I have instituted a new cleaning schedule to try and keep the clutter/dirt at a minimum.  It is working great and has allowed me to see a few things I needed to change as well as a few that I'm glad I have already done.

Function is the number one thing we should all strive for in our kitchens but I don't think you have to sacrifice beauty for functions sake.  Here are just a few things you can try doing to add beauty and fun to your kitchen.

A Pretty Catch Dish

I use olive oil everyday in my cooking so I like to have a bottle of it close and easily accessible so I have it on my countertop.  Every now and then a little oil will run down the outside of the bottle, so to keep it from getting on my counter I put a paper towel underneath.  It wasn't the most attractive option so one day I finally realized I could put a nice dish underneath instead and accomplish the same thing but with style.  I went into my pantry and found a dish given to me by my dad from one of his trips to Europe when he was still flying.  I rarely ever use it but like it so now it graces my countertop, allows me to see if everyday, and has a purpose.  

Soap Dispenser & A Brush Holder

I don't know about you, but I think the bottles dish soap comes in are ugly so I don't want it visible but I want the soap accessible because I use it so much that I want it easy to grab.  So awhile back I turned to a bottle meant for oil and added dish soap instead.  It has worked out great and doesn't make me cringe when I look at my counters.  Recently I was getting frustrated with the scrub brushes laying around and looking cluttered behind my sink.  It finally dawned on me that if I put them in a glass it kept them upright, allowing them to dry better, as well as looking so much more pleasing to the eye.

Not Just Cook Books

My mom and I are Ina Garten fans.  She is an amazing cook and you really can't go wrong with any of her recipes.  Her cookbooks are not only filled with yummy recipes but are also beautiful works of art.  She has done such a good job in organizing them and allowing the pictures to capture the beauty of the food one can prepare.  I don't buy cookbooks that don't have pictures.  Food should not only taste good but look good too - but that 's another post. 

Over the years I have collected all of Ina's cookbooks.  Since I don't really have a great place to put them right now I have them on my counter to add color as well as serve as the base for a hot pot trivet, a few clay figurines my kids made at school, as well as a cool bottle that once held vinegar from Italy a friend brought back for me after one of her trips there.

I love using things that are intended for one purpose, for a totally different one.  These are a few of my "secondhand" functions I have used in my kitchen to make it just a little nicer and a more inviting place in my home.  What are some creative things you have allowed to serve a "secondhand" function?  I'd love to see them.

Happiest of Tuesdays!! 

Feb 12, 2016

Pinterest Favorites: Valentine's Day

Well friends, the weekend started today for me since my kids are off school.  It also happens to be both President's Day and Valentine's Day this weekend.  In honor of the lovers holiday we will be baking and making treats to share with neighbors and friends.  Let's just say I have over 150 cupcakes in my future.  Wish us luck!

I honor of Valentine's Day I thought I'd share a few of my favorite Valentine's Day pinterest finds.  The great thing about this holiday is that you can use many of these any day of the year because there should really be no limit to the love we shower down on those who matter most to us.

Let's start with a few cute cards.  I just think these are so adorable and fun!

I just love both of these mantles.  I used the first one as an inspiration for a piece over my mantle but of course it's not done yet.  I'm hoping it will get up there by Sunday!

And you can't have Valentine's Day without treats!  Yum!!

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!  If you want to see more things I've pinned regarding Valentine's Day go HERE.  

Happy Friday!!

Feb 10, 2016

For Sale: Michigan Beauty

I have an addiction.  I love to look at houses for sale online.  It relaxes me and allows me to take a deep breath after a long day.  I love to find the diamond in the rough or the house that actually does exist in real life instead of on my Houzz feed or the cover of the latest home decor magazine to grace my mailbox.  I love to think of myself living in different spaces and imagining how I would decorate them. I ponder what it would be like to have a big party there with all my closest friends and family.  

This past weekend I decided to just see what was on the market back in our stomping ground of Michigan.  I will now make a small service announcement for the state of Michigan.  It is awesome!!  We absolutely loved when we lived in East Lansing and every day I would drive to work I was filled with happiness from the beauty around me.  It felt so comfortable there and instantly like home.  I have no doubt we wouldn't hesitate for a second if the opportunity ever arose for us to move back.  If you ever have the chance to visit, take it.  Michigan will not disappoint.

Talking about not disappointing, the house I found in a town next to the one we lived in definitely does not.  There are so many things I like about it.  This should be on the cover of a magazine.  It has gorgeous curb appeal, architectural interest, tons of windows, an amazing kitchen, and the yard alone makes me want to sell my left arm for.  Truly a gem.  Take a look for yourself!

Michigan Beauty Stats:

5 Bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 4,537 sq.ft.
On 10 acres of property 

Let's start with the exterior:

I am a huge sucker for white houses with black shutters.  Nothing looks more classic to me.  The thing that I believe really sets this house apart is the different twists, turns, and heights of it's architecture.  It also sits on a nice 10 acre lot so you have your privacy.  The ONLY thing I would change is the orientation of the garage.  I would have turned it so the doors were not on the front of the house.

Now for the interior:

Is it just not a dream?!?!  I c.a.n.n.o.t. get enough of that curved kitchen counter with the curved island to compliment it!!  AHH!!!  The bedrooms are all well sized without being ginormous, there's a fireplace in the master, hello!!, and the moldings and finishes are all top notch.  The only thing I'd change is that light over the sectional in the front room.  It just looks out of place to me.  

Of course the reality is that something this amazing and gorgeous comes with a pretty little price tag so if you by chance happen to have about $900,000.00 laying around, this could be yours.  We can all dream though!

I plan on sharing some more homes in the future that I run across.  I will be picking ones from all different price points and locations around the country and maybe even world, so stay tuned for a house near you.  Until then, have a fabulous Wednesday!!

Feb 8, 2016

What Would Meg Do?/You Do?

Happy Monday friends!  I'm so excited to introduce a new segment on my blog that I hope all of you will love too!  One thing that I believe is very important to interior decorating - and well, everything in life really - is that we do not have all the ideas and that we can only make what we are working on better if we seek the help and input of others.  So I would like to announce a new segment I would like to do on this blog.  I got the idea from a girl I follow on Facebook and just like her, I'm going to throw my name into the title, "What Would Megan Do?"  Here's how it works,  if you would, send me pictures of a problem room in your home and then I will post them here on the blog and give you my ideas on how to make it better and then anyone else who has ideas can also chime in by making a comment in the comment section.  Sound fun?  I can't wait!!  The email address you should use is,  Hey, it's free decorating advice, so what do you have to lose?

To kick this off, I thought I'd start with a space in my own home that I am having a decorating dilemma with and see if any of my amazing readers have ideas.

In my front room I have a wall that is quite large.  Part of the wall has an 8 ft ceiling above it and another part angles up and is vaulted.  As you will see from the pictures, I have our piano in the 8ft ceiling part and next to it I have a piece which holds all the piano music.  Next to that is a ladder with blankets and then my fun metal Christmas tree that I intend to leave out through at least the spring before hiding it away until Christmas again.  The only thing that must stay on this wall is the piano because I have no other place to put it.  I hesitate to put another piece of furniture in the vaulted end because I think it will look like too much furniture on one wall.  I also need to create a bit more seating and lighting in this room so if I could add some along this wall that would look like it made sense, I would.  How high should I take something in the vaulted area?  I just don't know.  Take a look and tell me what you think.

Here are some of my ideas:

*On the vaulted section, add sconces - ideally before they button up the master bathroom wall which is on the other side!

*Add a piece like the one below to allow for picture and dish displays and add some seating underneath.

*Do something crazy, and make these doors and put them on a rail.  (Of course it would be sans the wedding couple and flowers, but the arch would definitely be included)  It would be doors to nowhere, but still an interesting piece.

But really, I have nothing friends so please, Please, PLEASE help me!!  I know you are all full of good ideas and can help me out.  Once you've given me ideas for my space, start sending me your pictures of your spaces so I can help you!!  It really is a win-win for everyone!

Here is my email again:

Happy Monday!!

Feb 5, 2016

Because Let's Be Honest, We All Need A Few More Succulents In Our Lives!

For the last year or so I have been loving the new trendy thing of succulent gardens.  These little arid loving plants are just the cutest things!  They come in a variety of fun shapes, sizes, and colors and when you put them together they can make the cutest little garden, which if you happen to have my track record with plants, are luckily relatively hard to kill.

One of my friends recently had a birthday and I was on the hunt for the perfect gift.  I went and scoured a local antique mall but just couldn't find exactly what I was looking for.  Towards the end of my hunt, this little white terrarium looking piece caught my eye.  I grabbed it and knew I could do something with it.  My original plan was to just put a plant in it that she could easily change in and out but when I went to Lowe's to look for one none of them were looking just right.  That's when I spotted the cute little flowering cactus and I knew my first succulent garden would be born.  I hunted around for a total of 5 succulent plants trying to get different colors, shapes, heights, and textures.  I grabbed a bag of soil and another back of rocks and checked out so excited to go home and see it all come together!!

I will admit, had I not already told my friend that I was bringing her something I may just have kept my mouth shut and kept this beauty for myself.  It was one of those projects that I just kept looking at again and again after I was done because I made my heart happy.  It was SO easy to make and I plan on making one for myself sometime soon.  I may just have to make them for all my friends birthdays this year!!  How can you not be happy looking at something like this?  To me Succulent = Happiness.  The two really are interchangeable in my opinion!

Happy Weekend Friends!  Go read THIS if you need some inspiration and belief in yourself to create things that are amazing!!