Feb 5, 2016

Because Let's Be Honest, We All Need A Few More Succulents In Our Lives!

For the last year or so I have been loving the new trendy thing of succulent gardens.  These little arid loving plants are just the cutest things!  They come in a variety of fun shapes, sizes, and colors and when you put them together they can make the cutest little garden, which if you happen to have my track record with plants, are luckily relatively hard to kill.

One of my friends recently had a birthday and I was on the hunt for the perfect gift.  I went and scoured a local antique mall but just couldn't find exactly what I was looking for.  Towards the end of my hunt, this little white terrarium looking piece caught my eye.  I grabbed it and knew I could do something with it.  My original plan was to just put a plant in it that she could easily change in and out but when I went to Lowe's to look for one none of them were looking just right.  That's when I spotted the cute little flowering cactus and I knew my first succulent garden would be born.  I hunted around for a total of 5 succulent plants trying to get different colors, shapes, heights, and textures.  I grabbed a bag of soil and another back of rocks and checked out so excited to go home and see it all come together!!

I will admit, had I not already told my friend that I was bringing her something I may just have kept my mouth shut and kept this beauty for myself.  It was one of those projects that I just kept looking at again and again after I was done because I made my heart happy.  It was SO easy to make and I plan on making one for myself sometime soon.  I may just have to make them for all my friends birthdays this year!!  How can you not be happy looking at something like this?  To me Succulent = Happiness.  The two really are interchangeable in my opinion!

Happy Weekend Friends!  Go read THIS if you need some inspiration and belief in yourself to create things that are amazing!!

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