Nov 2, 2015

This Mormon Chicks Version of Wine (November Challenge Day #2)

We Mormons don't drink liquor and I will be 100% honest in saying that I have never felt deprived or that I was missing out on anything.  But that doesn't mean I don't like fun drinks and it seems like the time of day to have a fun drink is around the dinner hour.

While in Europe this summer I came across the marvelous combination of bubbly water and freshly squeezed lime.  I loved drinking it in the evening after we had been out for the day and we were cooking up some yummy French food.  I decided to bring that tradition back with me.  Not every night, but most, if I have some club soda and limes laying around, I will get out a fancy glass (a must!), squeeze some lime into the bottom, and pour some cold club soda on top.  In non-European fashion, I will add ice since this American girl loves her drinks to be super cold.  The whole thing makes dinner prep that much more fun and gives you a Julia Child sort of feel as you sauté your mushrooms and toss your salad.

I challenge you to do the same!  Spice up your dinner prep with a fancy glass and a fun drink.  It will make you feel less mommish and just make your dinner taste that much better.



  1. Looks good . . . but I have a question: do you like club soda plain? Because I don't, but I wonder if the lime would make it good enough to drink? It sure looks refreshing!

    1. I don't like club soda plain. You can also try just plain sparkling water or seltzer water. There are a few types to experiment with. Greg doesn't like the club soda version, but I'll take anything sparkly with lime in it!
